Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Om Filet Crochet

I left the top of the chart off because it's easy to mirror from the bottom. You can also add your family name at the top of the chart if it's not too long. Remember that the chart is backward when working letters for a name, as the part that looks like a three is supposed to point left as it does in the pictures above. I saw a lot of cross filets and thought there should be an Om one too. As usual each square on the chart is equal to 3 dc. I did my open spaces as dc, ch 1, dc for it to be a little more work to see the Om. You can work it in the traditional way for a more open lace image. I designed this on my wedding day, so it's very special to me.
Please use the chart for any type of knitting or crochet you can use it with. Please do not sell anything made from it though. Please link back to the chart instead of sharing it directly.


cherie... said...

i cannot get enough of these!
probably made a hundred now...thanks thanks thanks so much again x

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Unknown said...

I hope your still on here. I am trying to figure this pattern out but am struggling. I am new to the filet crotchets & was hoping you could give me a little help. Could you possible explain to me how to start it? how many chs in the starting ch, etc. I am hoping to make this for my mother & will be sure to give you all the credit you deserve for it, I absolutely love this & I know my mother will too. Thanks again.

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