Saturday, September 24, 2011

Roly Poly Shih Tzu Amigurumi

I'm back making patterns again and thought I would share once again. This pattern came to life due to the insistance of my mother in law that I make a Shih Tzu amigurumi for her mother. It will be the first time I am meeting my husband, Zak's grandmother at the baby shower so I have been agonizing over patterns. All the ones I found on the web did not look instantly recognizable as a shih tzu. They were very generic. I can't say I'm super happy with it but I am hoping this is a little closer to the mark and someone else will be able to use it as well.

Pattern calls for worsted weight yarn and size F hook. Gauge not important


With White yarn make a pom pom using an old credit card or empty gift card. Wrap yarn around the shorter length of the credit card and bind the center with two black pieces of yarn as that will act as the mouth.

Yarn knot nose

Make a yarn knot using 5 strands of yarn and 5 passes through the center loop.

Eyes (Make 2)

With Brown 6 sc in magic ring, slip stitch to first sc. Finish off. Attach white and slip stitch in four of the sc. Finish off and sew to head. After attaching to head I used Puffy Paint to add black to the eyes.


With Black make 6 sc in a magic circle

Place a marker and work in continuous rounds

Inc in each sc around

(1 sc, inc) around

(2 sc, inc) around

(3 sc, inc) around

(4 sc, inc) around

Work 4 rows even

(4 sc, dec) around

(3 sc, dec) around

Attach pom pom and nose yarn knot at this point, [to do this attach the pom pom then flatten upper portion attaching yarn knot nose and use one of the tails from the yarn knot nose to embroider a line connecting nose and mouth] and if using safety eyes attach at this point, then stuff and continue stuffing as you finish off the ball that forms the head with these last rows.

(2 sc, dec) around

(1 sc, dec) around

Decrease around. Fasten off

Attach two pom poms for ears. Sew to head then trim ear and face pom poms until you achieve the desired look.


Using white

6 sc in magic ring

Place a marker and work in continuous rounds

Increase in each single crochet around

(1 sc, inc) around

(2 sc, inc) around

(3 sc, inc) around

(4 sc, inc) around

(5 sc, inc) around

Work 8 rows sc in every stitch

(5 sc, dec) around

(4 sc, dec) around

(3sc, dec) around

(2sc, dec) around

(1sc, dec) around

Decrease around

Finish off. Sew Head to body.

Back Feet (make 2)

6 sc in magic ring

Place marker and work in continuous rounds

Increase in each sc around

(1 sc, inc around)

Work 4 rows sc in every stitch

Finish off. Stuff and weave tail in and out of all stitches of last row and pull leaving slightly open and sew to body.

Front Feet (Make 2)

5 sc in magic ring

Place marker and work in rounds

Increase in each single crochet around

Work 6 rows of sc in every sc

Stuff, finish off, and use tail to sew top of leg flat then attach to body.


4 sc in magic ring

Sc every stitch working in continuous rounds until tail is the length you want. Sew to body. I did not stuff my tail. Because there are so few stitches it was fairly stiff and stood up on it's own.

You may sell Shih Tzu's made from this pattern, just not the pattern itself. Please share the link to the pattern with others not the pattern itself.

Happy Crocheting!


Anonymous said...

This is soooo cute!
You may have been inspired by a shi-tzu, but as a schnauzer mom, it looks just like a black and silver schnauzer!
I'll send you a pic of my pup when I get it done.

cg7471 said...

this is sooooo adorable!!!! i have 2 4 year old shih tzu mix. the stuffed animal is great but do you think the pattern could be adjusted for a keychain???? if not could you please let me know if you have an existing pattern? thx.

krish said...

wow! so creative and a lovely art pieces.. You have the talent and you have made full use of it. continue on making and doing what you like. More power!

krish from lit coffre 

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