Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Agent P Amigurumi Pattern

Correction made 12/17/2011 See red below :

Agent P Amigurumi
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! This year I am very thankful for my loving husband, and our little boy who is due to be born in just a few days. My husband’s Aunt and Uncle have been very good to us, and gotten Jacob some really important items like his car seat. I made these as a Thank you gift for their boys, and am sharing the pattern with you this Thanksgiving! Happy Holidays to all of you who visit my site!

sc: single crochet
inc: 2 single crochet in one stitch

dec: draw up a loop in the next two stitches, yarn over and pull through both loops

sl st: slip stitch
fo: finish off

6 sc in magic ring (place marker and work in spiral)

inc around

*1 sc, inc* repeat *to * around

*2 sc, inc* repeat *to * around

*3 sc, inc* repeat *to * around

sl st in 1st sc of the next row, replace marker and turn.

12 sc, sl st in next st then turn and sc to marker

3 rows of sc in every stitch.

Switch to black and work 1 row of sc in every stitch
Switch to brown
*4 sc, inc* repeat *to * around
*5 sc, inc* repeat *to * around

*6sc, inc* repeat *to * around
Finish off.

Eyes (Make 2)
With white 3 sc in magic ring. Do not join. FO. Then add black yarn knot eyes on top. I used one strand of black with 5 crossovers for my yarn knot pupils and sewed them on after I sewed the white eyes to the body.


9 sc in magic ring
*2 sc, inc* repeat *to * around
sc around
*2 sc, dec* repeat *to * around
sc around
ch1, turn, sc in the next 4 stitches
Finish Off


6 sc in magic ring (place marker and work in spiral)
inc around
*1 sc, inc* around
*2 sc, inc* around
*3 sc, inc* around
10 rows single crochet (at this point I usually put some stuffing in and sew the hat then the eyes on. ) continue for another 15 rows of sc every row. Stuff the body. Do not finish off continue for leg directions

Divide your stitches so you have 10 stitches for each leg. Place a marker on first leg and work for 4 rows sc in every stitch. On the first round you will increase 2 stitches, one at each side of the inner thigh for a total of 12 stitches.
Dec around
Sew flat, repeat for second leg.
Stuff completely and sew crotch.


6 sc in magic ring (Place stitch marker and work in spiral)
inc around
3 rows of single crochet in every stitch
*dec, 2 sc* around
Finish Off and sew to bottom off legs


My hands are based off of this link. http://crafty-shanna.livejournal.com/4561.html I used the concept to create a three fingered hand , then made a 5 sc tube by continuing to work in a spiral on the same 5 sc until the arm was about an inch and a half long. Sew to body.


9 sc in magic ring (Place stitch marker and work in spiral)
Inc around
*1sc, inc* around
*2 sc, inc* around
*3 sc, inc* around
Sc around
Count your stitches and place a second marker exactly opposite your first so your stitches are divided into two equal portions. Then work tail by decreasing 1 stitch before and after each marker until you have approximately 18 stitches left. Work 5 rows of single crochet in every stitch without decreasing. FO and sew tail flat and then to the body. Use black yarn to embroider 3 large x’s onto tail.

Enjoy your Agent P!


Anonymous said...

thanks bunches I was actually working on an Agent P myself and couldn't get the hat just right this will really help.

Janet said...

I remember when my grandma is trying to teach me Knitting. :) I can still remember her face telling me that I'm doing it wrong and them scratches her head. :)

"Janet" for chauffeuse convertible 

Anonymous said...

This guy is so cute :D Thank you for sharing your pattern!

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