Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tammy's Irish Purse Pattern

My mom loves the Woolease Thick and Quick in Green. I had some leftover from a scarf I made her so I decided to make her a purse. I also got some St. Patty's day ribbon really cheap on clearance last year at michaels. It's white with little shamrocks on it. The neat thing about this purse is that it is knit in one piece on straight needles with no seaming! Due to the magic of the double knitting technique.


  • Woolease Thick and Quick
  • Ribbon for strap (or you can knit a strap).
  • Size 13 straight needles
  • Either and extra size 13 or if you tend to cast off tightly a size 15 needle.

To make this purse:

Cast on 50 stitches:

Row 1 and all other rows: *K1, Slip 1 with the yarn in front (as if you were going to purl)* repeat * to*.

This creates a pocket. If you make an error the sides of your bag will be stuck together, as you knit pull on the two pieces to make sure they are separate. Repeat the single row until your purse is the desired length. If you have problems with your edges being loose trying slipping the first and last stitch on each row.

To cast off you will cast off every other stitch. With your 3rd needle, K1 then slip 1 stitch to your empty working needle. K1 to your 3rd needle and pass the first knit stitch over the second binding off, then slip the next stitch to the working needle you slipped the last stitch to. Repeat this until you reach the end. Then bind off the other side normally, or if you wish knit these stitches to form a flap which you can fold over and then bind off. Weave in your ends and Tie on your ribbon or attach a knitted strap. Enjoy.

Make one for yourself or a friend but do not make them for profit and if you share the pattern please share the link and not the pattern itself! Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

I love your works of art. I have made 2 of these so far,just have to figure out what I want as the strap. I learned to knit in July 2008, and not quite sure how to work the circular needles yet, but give me some time and I'll have them mastered.In the meantime, thank you for patterns that are flat. This was the first time I had seen this type of pattern where there is no seaming. Keep up the excellent work. You rock!

Aphrodite said...

Love your patterns, especially this and greeky hat. but when BO, don't you pass the slipped stitch over? i'm confused. Maybe I'm reading it wrong.

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